I became unhappy with our host for the website, and had to transfer all the wordpress gumpf… here is my method that worked:
Transfer wordpress from one webhost to another
- copy across the files – I managed to ZIP them all on the server side, and then download the one zip file, extract it, and upload the individual files
- Extract the database – use PHPmyAdmin to extract the database (ZIP it), make sure you only extract the data, and not the structure/schema as when you try to import it, it’ll throw up an error and go no further.
- create a dB and user – with the same names, if not, you’ll have to do a search-and-replace on the .sql file and change everything over
- import that database
- customise the wpconfig.php file, you may need to change the address it resides, and the FTP username/password for the new host.
It should now just – work!