11 August, 2017

How to read the liturgies

Hopefully the layout is self-explanatory. To make it easier for you to spot sections, here are some explanations.

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When we want to add the thoughts of a character, or introduce to you our own thoughts, they are laid out like this…

When we want to show that there was picture in the service, or something else similar, then there is a black bordered box, with a mono-space font introducing the visual aide.

PICTURE: Hand’s throwing dice

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Sometimes we have a heading, with a time to the left. For example the section: “Mother’s hands cradling her baby.” This section began at 2:15pm. And the bit in square [brackets] to the right, is for you to write in the name of the person who is leading that section

2:15pm Mother’s hands cradling her baby [_______]

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And sometimes there are instructions in the text for the congregation.
These are in a small italicised text.



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Sometimes a little thought needs to be highlighted and given prominence in the service sheet. In which case, it had a light gray background behind the text, and was italicised.

As a mother you know the potential of your baby. You have hopes, dreams and aspirations for them. Sometimes these are robbed, by evil, by a broken world, or by things not being as they should.


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A line the liturgy leader says…

And a line that everyone says together. Amen!

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